Lash Adhesive 411

In recent days there have been a few news reports about formaldehyde in eyelash extension adhesives (glue). We wanted to reassure all of you that we do not add formaldehyde to our eyelash extension adhesives.
Notes from Jo Mousselli, Registered Nurse, CEO, President, and Co-Founder of Xtreme Lashes:
Does Xtreme Lashes add formaldehyde to its eyelash extension adhesives?
"Formaldehyde is NOT an added ingredient in any Xtreme Lashes adhesives. Our adhesives are made using the same properties and ingredients found in medical-grade adhesives. Medical-grade adhesives are used by surgeons to close wounds without stitches, a practice called suture-less wound closure. Additionally, Our FlexFusion line of adhesives are hypoallergenic, medical grade, and manufactured at a US-based, FDA registered facility that specializes in medical adhesives.
There is a very, very low chance that during the degradation process, after the drop of adhesive has been dispensed from the bottle, a miniscule amount of formaldehyde 'may' be produced. This is true of all cyanoacrylate adhesives- including those used in the medical industry to close wounds without sutures. Please note that we teach our Lash Stylists to change the adhesive drop every 15 minutes and to discard the bottle every three months after opening. Having said this, if formaldehyde is released, the chance is very, very small and the amount is very, very minuscule."
Do eyelash extension adhesives or eyelash extension applications cause infections? "Infections are caused by pathogens: infectious microorganisms such as bacterias, viruses, fungus/yeast, and parasites. Xtreme Lashes adhesives are developed under strict sanitary and hygienic conditions. Additionally, our Lash Stylists are trained to perform safe, sanitary, and hygienic application techniques, using single-use disposable application products to prevent contamination and the spread of infectious organisms from one person to another through cross-contamination. The only application tools that are NOT disposable are the tweezers, scissors, and adhesive trays which can be disinfected and sanitized with solutions such as Barbicide®. Furthermore, we train our Lash Stylists to segment lash extensions from lash trays, using designated clean scissors, and to apply the lash segments to a clean and single-use disposable sponge prior to the application to prevent cross-contamination."